WE | Sail

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WE | Sail Florida to Cuba, Sailing into a Lightning Storm! | Episode 31

On this episode click here to watch, we spend a couple weeks back in the states working on the boat in Fort Lauderdale. After all, we were in the heart of the boat capital. Marine stores on every corner, shopping, dinning, and air conditioning! It was a nice change to be back in the land of plentiful things, but we were anxiously awaiting our next passage and out of the concrete jungle.

While tied up on the dock, we repaired our downwind parasail that we ripped on our passage to Turks & Caicos, removed the old boat and name and finally made it our own! Provisioned and stocked up the boat for our next move south.

We had welcomed back my dad, Jacques and his friend Lenny for our sail down to Cuba. On this sail we experienced one of the most scariest moments yet while at sea. Half way on the crossing we sailed directly into a lightning storm. There was no direction we could turn and run from it so we had to punch right through it. Luckily, we made it our of the storm safely and finally made our destination to Marina Hemingway.

Join us on the adventure to Cuba and our scariest sail yet!

Enjoy and thank you for watching the Adventures of WE!

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