WE | Sail

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Haul Out, A Race to Finish 1000 Pre-Sailing Jobs & Tasks | Ep. 155

We found a haul out boat yard that will take our large Fountaine Pajot Helia 44 out just in time for the much needed work that needs to be done before sailing across the Pacific Ocean. WATCH NOW Luckily for us, there was no major delay in our schedule and timing for leaving Mexico.

Loads of jobs and tasks to do during our 5 days out of the water in order to prepare for our biggest ocean passage to date. We get straight to checking of the long list and we also welcome 1 of 2 crew members who will join us to cross the Pacific Ocean.

Thanks for following the adventures of WE! Songs Featured in this Episode come from Epidemic Sounds: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra ...

Want some WE|Sail Merch??? Check out the WE|Sail $WAG $TORE

https://www.wesail.world/wesail-swag- ...

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