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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...

WE| Explore Havana, Cuba | Episode 32

WE| Explore Havana, Cuba | Episode 32

On this episode of WE | Sail... click here to watch episode

We arrived to Cuba after a 3 day sail from Florida across the Gulf Stream. We were very much looking forward to visiting the largest island in the Caribbean, that is virtually untouched since the 1950's. We were ready to uncover the magic that Cuba had to offer.

For a few days, we tried to escape the heat by touring around in almost every 1950's classic car you could find on the island. We explored the streets of old Havana, visiting the legendary hot spots of Ernest Hemingway's favorite watering holes. Sipped on Cuban rum and cold daiquiris in charming old bodegas and listened to the sounds and soul of Cubano music. Havana belongs in another era, with its vintage American cars, art deco architecture and lack of violent crime.

Come with us as we discover Cuba by foot, by car, and even by small yellow cuban tuk-tuks. We visit the outlying towns of Havana where a now famous artist has decorated the entire neighborhood in mosaic. We step back into another era and slowly sink into the places we normally only see in the movies.

Enjoy and thank you for watching the Adventures of WE!

WE | Sail Across the Gulf Stream to Mexico | Episode 33

WE | Sail Across the Gulf Stream to Mexico | Episode 33

WE | Sail Florida to Cuba, Sailing into a Lightning Storm! | Episode 31

WE | Sail Florida to Cuba, Sailing into a Lightning Storm! | Episode 31

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