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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...
How to Follow the Adventures of WE You Ask?
There are a few simple ways to follow the adventure. WE hope to continue to share our travels. You can become a Patreon, subscribe to our YouTube channel, or even follow us on Instagram. Better yet, do all and be apart of the journey! We can't thank you enough for the support and love.
-Cheers, WE
Salida, Colorado
July 27th- 29th 2018
The first stop on our way out of Denver. Just 5 days after we got married. We packed up all the remaining stuff we had and a little more from the wedding into the truck. Got her all set up and packed to the very top and ready for the road trip to begin. We also finished painting, trim, and small little touches on the house before we hit the road. Off we went to Salida. Here we technically didn't stay in the truck right away. We stayed with our very good family friends Trish & Jay! They welcomed us into their adorable home just a few blocks away from town center. They showed us around, road bikes through town and enjoyed the little fun mining town with them. The next morning they shuttled us up to Monarch Crest Trail where we road the longest bike ride I have ever done. 28 miles! And most of it was uphill. Incredible ride, but we were so underprepared and beyond exhausted when we returned. Salida was a great stop! Enjoyed hanging by the river and watching everyone play in the river on a hot summer day.
PS. The poster at the rafting supply store is my brother Bradley Hilton with Badfish Stand Up Paddles. He is a rockstar and a master on the water! Check him out @bradley_hilton @badfishsup
Crested Butte, Colorado
July 30th- August 1st 2018
Black Canyon National Park, Colorado
August 2nd 2018
Telluride & Ouray Colorado
August 3rd- 8th 2018
Taos & Sante Fe, New Mexico
Aug. 10th- 14th
It was our first state boarder crossing! Into New Mexico. We headed straight to Taos for a couple days in the first a few fabulous Southwest towns. Full of art, and turquoise jewelry. And guess what… I have not even bought a single piece. I was eyeing a couple pieces of some incredible sterling silver and turquoise jewelry. After all Turquoise is a stone for travel for safety and protection on the road. Taos is s small and creative artist community. We happen to be there on a Saturday for the farmers market as well as Pride Week in Taos so there was a little extra color to enjoy! Tried some local foods and of course drooled over all the jewelry, pottery, paintings and sculptures. Problem is we no longer have a home to clutter with all these beautiful things. Truthfully it’s nice:) We have gone over to the simple living side of life. When we first came through to Taos just outside of the city limits and before the Big Bridge where they filmed a part of ‘Natural Born Killers’ on we spotted these strange, funky looking dwellings that were sticking out of the ground in the desolate landscape. Quickly we were intrigued and pulled over. It was something for sure. And really nothing else like it in the world. It is called an Earthship Community. We took a tour of the speck house and walked around the community to see what it was all about. Earthships are a ’biotechture’ residential homes where they are a eco friendly self sufficient community. They are completely off-grid. They used the land and recycled cans, car tires, glass bottles and other recycled materials to build the structures themselves. It truly was incredible to see these homes and the functionality of them 100% living off the land and the surrounding elements of the earth. I could see Warren sitting there thinking of what our next home is going to look like! You also can’t go through Taos without seeing the Taos Pueblo. It is an ancient pueblo belonging to the Native American Tribe. The site is amazing site to see how to this day the people live within the community. The adobe structures are so well kept still redone with the same methods from before (straw and mud). Simple living. The people After a couple days in Taos, we headed to Sante Fe. All I wanted to do was buy jewelry!!! Just more and more amazing turquoise jewelry on every corner. Sante Fe is a much bigger but full of artists and Native American crafts. We sadly didn’t spend much time in Sante Fe but probably much better for our pocketbooks. We did go a spend a few hours at Meow Wolf. The interactive art fun house. And that was exactly it. It’s really hard to describe it but its is pure creativity in a fun ‘haunted house’ kind of way. Secret doors from the laundry dryer or fridge to another dimension just on the other side. It was a huge highlight and just wished we could have camped inside there for the next week.
Sedona, Arizona
Aug. 14th-17th 2018
Now entering Arizona! Sedona is magically beautiful. They say it has incredible energy forces and there are special places that have heightened powers, the vortexes. I don’t know if we spent enough time in them to notice much but I see it now that its simply in the beauty of the landscape that presents its energy. Surrounded by stunning red rock mountains. The sandstone rocks have alway been a favorite of mine in the Southwest of the US. In Sedona, we finally stayed in a hotel for the first time since hitting the road on the trip in 3 weeks! I promise you though, we both have shower previous to that… well me more than Warren but it was finally nice to take over a hotel room for a couple nights. We used the pool, their wifi and full bathroom! It’s amazing that we take these things for granted so easily when we are not exposed to them for a while. Once we first arrived into Sedona we stopped at Slide Rock State Park. Certainly a must do when visiting. Its a shallow river with natural mossy sand stone rocks where on a hot summer day is just the best option. A natural water amusement park. Sliding down the rocks and sitting in little pools to keep cool was a perfect day. We also got to spend a little time with some good friends who recently moved there to catch up a bit! Really enjoyed our time with Max & Ed! Sedona has a many great trailheads and sites to see in the area. We took advantage of hiking up to Devil’s Bridge, the Airport Vortex (which is right next to the airport) and out by one of the camps we visited a Hopi Indian Ruin called Palatki. There was really well preserved Indian dwelling and petroglyphs. Super easy to get to as well. Our trip was approaching its end and we were heading out of Sedona and ready for our biggest most anticipated part of the road trip. Havasupai Falls!
P.S. Just before leaving Sedona we were amped and ready for our biggest hike yet. Waiting for this trip since applying for the lottery permit back on Feb. 1st. Havasupai Falls here we come! Or so we thought. The day before hitting the road again we called ahead to verify that our dates were set and if there were any last minute suggestions the Indian reservation could give us before going down the canyon. Well little did we know there was a major flood through the canyon resulting in shutting the camp and the trail to get down to the reservation. The monsoon weather brought so much rain that it washed out the trail and covered the camp with mud, and debris from the waters powerful flow back in July! Shit! We (I mean Warren) had a slight panic. We basically travel through the Southwest for mainly this big trip and now we are wondering if we could even go at all. Without notice, we were a day our from our arrival permit dates and unsure of what our next move was. Would we have to reschedule this for the next year after waiting this long? That we knew was not going to be possible since we don’t even know what ocean we will be in by then. So when we were told that the Indian reservation was to re-open after significant clean up and trail maintenance making it passible to enter on September 1st we jumped at the opportunity. How they managed rescheduling over 200 people a day that is permitted to enter from at least a months closure is beyond me. But I honestly didn’t care. Glad that we were even to reschedule at all for this year. So our next day arrival resulted in a delay to go for another two weeks. Taking a few hours to unfold the maps and sort out our whole itinerary in Sedona we settled on Lake Powell! Was and always will be one of my most favorite places ever.
Lake Powell, Arizona
August 17th-20th 2018
Zion National Park, Utah
August 22nd-24th 2018
Grenada 🇬🇩
November 10th 2018
Splash Day!!!!
It’s officially official. WE have finally splashed the boat and now on the water. After a week on the hard and working on getting the boat back to tip top shape she is in the water at last. WE couldn’t be more happy to start this transition from land to sea! There are just a few things that we are still working on, such as waiting for our things to clear from customs. WE shipped most of our “stuff” by boat and it even arrived before we did, but now going on a week of waiting for customs to give the ok. Until then, we are happy as clams, enjoying the island life, touring around and swimming in the ocean.