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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...

WE|Sail Bahamas to Florida | Episode 30

WE|Sail Bahamas to Florida | Episode 30

On this episode of WE|Sail click here to watch we continue the good times with our friends Mike & Lauren exploring the last islands of the Bahamas before setting sail to Florida.

We swim on the sunken plane of Pablo Escobar's at Norman Caye. Rent scooters on the island of Bimini. Pic-nic on a mile long stretch of island before it disappears in the tide and learn to remove conch from their shell for a delicious island snack. We were once again happy to sail with our friends and enjoy their company through the islands and back to the states!

Then in Florida we sail into the rivers of Fort Lauderale, say good bye to our friends and rest up before starting a long list of jobs on the boat.

Join us and remember to SUBSCRIBE!

Enjoy and thanks for watching the adventures of WE!

WE | Sail Florida to Cuba, Sailing into a Lightning Storm! | Episode 31

WE | Sail Florida to Cuba, Sailing into a Lightning Storm! | Episode 31

WE|Sail the Exumas | Episode 29

WE|Sail the Exumas | Episode 29

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