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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...

Great Time in San Carlos, Mexico; Swimming with Sea Lions & Boat Work | Episode 78

Great Time in San Carlos, Mexico; Swimming with Sea Lions & Boat Work | Episode 78

After sailing for a week to reach San Carlos, we relax a bit and go fishing with Erica’s dad Jacques who has a boat of his own here watch now. We knew there was a boat load (excuse the pun) of work to be done to prepare to leave here on the dock for the upcoming 4 months, however our day fishing and putting turned into swimming with seals and one of our most favorite moments in the water.

They were some of the most playful puppies in the water and we couldn’t get enough of them. We were happy to spend the day loading up our hearts and minds with the joy we received from the ocean to take back with us to Colorado. In addition to the fun with seals we then get serious and prepare and pack with to spend a summer back in Colorado with family and friends.

Thanks for watching the adventures of WE! DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE AND MAYBE BECOME OUR PATREON!

Final Boat Work Projects Before Leaving Evolias on the Dock for the Summer | Episode 79

Final Boat Work Projects Before Leaving Evolias on the Dock for the Summer | Episode 79

Sailing the Sea of Cortez - Our Arrival to San Carlos | Episode 77

Sailing the Sea of Cortez - Our Arrival to San Carlos | Episode 77

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